Welcome to our little lunchtime getaway

Friday, December 31, 2010

Beast at Bay

My mind has been taught and trained.
The cave of despair and domination always around me keeping the beast at bay
But my Hibernation has come to its end
The days ruled by conditioning are no more
I leave my cave with swift exodus
I step out to the wild
Not the wild of trees and rivers
but one of castles and cultures, monasteries and monks, Buddhists and beaches
The wild of people and places my mind has never known
My adolescence will be obvious, but embraced
I will bear it with monumental gratitude
This is the opportunity
The opportunity for the creature void of form and grace
To take the innocent mind I have but wish to understand and
Embrace them as they were a warm fire on a winter night.
I will roam with no cave
But a home of a different construct
One that stretches from this end of the world to the other
My birth will not be taken for granted
My innocent mind will expand
The beast within will no longer be at bay

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